With only the host against a minimal backdrop. I felt adding 3D elements with in the show would bring more movement and life to the show. The dynamic animation of these elements was pivital to the
On the left side of each display is a QR code. Once scanned, it opens up to a video displaying a model as a “Test Subject.” As the model rotates, information about each garment is displayed.
Videos of the display build-out process and photoshoot were transformed into lab security footage for promotional posts. A large version was played on televisions at the event. All digital assets were configured for Instagram: stories, grid and IGTV
3D Assets

- Graphic Design
- 3D Design
Hosted by stylist, Legendary Lade and sneaker enthusiast Ashley Hall dives deep into sneaker culture, featuring ratings and reviews, untold stories behind fan-favorite kicks, and an exclusive look at new releases. I was responsible for designing the over all look and feel of all marketing assets connected to the show as well as the 3D interactive elements within the show such as the Lower 3rds and rating system. Check Rate' Em out.